COSC 5050 Distributed Database Applications

Course Description  In COSC 5050 students will implement the distributed database developed in COSC 5040. Emphasis will be on good design techniques and proper documentation. Students will implement a database project in this course. Prerequisite: COSC 5040.



Week 1 Assignment Lab PowerPoint

Week 2 Assignment Lab PowerPoint

Week 3 Assignment Lab PowerPoint

Week 4 Assignment Lab PowerPoint

Week 5 Assignment Lab PowerPoint

Week 6 Assignment Lab PowerPoint

Week 7 Assignment PowerPoint


Additional Material

Instructions to download, install and configure the Oracle Client

Instructions for Granting and Revoking Privileges to other users


Class Handouts:

Week 2 Notes

Data Dictionary guide, Stored Procedure and Package syntax

Week 3 Notes

Week 6 Handout


Script and Code Examples

Create_DB Script

Create_Tables Script

Here are the commands to grant and revoke access to your tables to your partner. Insert the GRANT commands at the end of your Create Tables script and the REVOKE commands at the begining of your Drop Tables script.

Load_Tables Script

Drop_DB Script

Drop_Tables Script

Check_Tables Query

Show_Tables Query

Emp_Qry query

Outer_join query

Employee table procedures (inserts and deletes)

Find employee procedure

Another find employee procedure

Pseudo-menu Scripts:






