Creating your own R functions

A simple example

An important feature in R is the ability for you to build your own functions. This extensibility allows you to automate repetitive tasks or run a series of commands with different input for each repetition. The basic form for an R function is:

myFuctionName <- function( ) {

Once you run the function declaration, it is available for your use during your current R session. This behavior is slightly different than the behavior of functions in R packages. Once an R package is loaded, you have immediate access to all of the package function. Your functions are only available once you run the function declaration, and they are only available in your current session. RStudio enables you to override this behavior. You can save your R session when you close RStudio and it will resume that session, with its entire environment [including your functions] available, when you restart RStudio.

Here is a function that creates a vector of integers from 1 to n, where the user will choose the value of n in the function call:

integerVector <- function(n) {
v <- c(1:n)

The name of the new function is integerVector( ). This function has one numeric parameter n that is used in the function to set the upper limit of the integer sequence in the output vector. The first line of code builds the vector using the R collect function c( ). The final line outputs the resulting vector. This final line is necessary if you want to output the results of the code inside of your function for use outside the function.

That last sentence is an important concept to understand. All of the data objects that are inside your function are not accessible outside your function. The data object v in integerVector( ) only exists while integerVector( ) executes. If you want to use the result of the computation in your function, you must output that data. The last line of integerVector( ) does this.

Once you execute this declaration, you can use integerVector( ) in your R session. The function call integerVector(10) will result in the output

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

You can save the output of integerVector( ) by simply assigning its output to an R object like this:

x <- integerVector(10)

Now the object x contains the vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

It is important to remember to use unique names for your functions. If you accidentally choose a function name that matches the name of existing R function, your function will override the existing function and only your function will be active in your current session. While you may want to compute a result differently than the existing R function, it is still better to use your own unique function name. This naming scheme will ensure that you have access to both functions, not simply your custom function.

Default argument values

You like using integerVector( ) and you use it often to create new vectors. After using it for a while, you notice that often you create vectors with the values 1 to 10. We can modify integerVector( ) so that it will create a vector containing the values 1 to 10 as a default operation, but you can set another maximum value when you need it. We can do this by declaring a default input argument value. The default input argument will be used unless you designate another value.

Here is a modified integerVector( ) that has a default value of 10

integerVectorDef <- function(n = 10) {
v <- c(1:n)

After you run this function declaration, entering integerVectorDef( ) will ouput the vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and entering integerVectorDef(5) will ouput the vector 1 2 3 4 5. Your new function integerVectorDef( ) assumes a default input value of 10, unless you designate another value. If you run integerVector( ) without an input argument. You will get the error message: Error in integerVector() : argument "n" is missing, with no default

Notice that the default value declaration n = 10 uses the assignment symbol = and not the symbol <-. This is an important distinction. Either symbol can be used to assign a value or the output of a function to an R object. The same is not true for function arguments. You must always use = when you assign a value to function input arguments. this is a good time to develop the habit of always using <- when you assign a value to an object and = when assigning a value to a function argument. This habit can prevent errors in your R scripts.

A more complex function: using for( ) loops

Here is a more complex function:

select10 <- function(n) {
v <- c() # create an empty vector
for(i in 1:n) { # repeat n times
v = rbind(v, sample(1:10, size = 1)) # add a random value to the vector
} # end loop
v # output the vector

The function select10( ) above, creates a list of n random numbers in the range of 1 to 10. The function creates an empty list v. It then selects a number between 1 and 10 randomly, using the R function sample( ) and adds it to the list. It repeats this step n times. Once the list is complete, select10( ) outputs the final list.

You can modify select10( ) so that it creates a list of size numbers between mini and maxi. [We will avoid using min( ) and max( ) since they are standard R function names]. The new function might look like this:

selectAny <- function(size, mini, maxi) {
v <- c() # create an empty vector
for(i in 1:size) { # repeat size times
v <- rbind(v, sample(mini:maxi, size = 1)) # add a random value to the vector
} # end loop
v # output the vector

This new function selectAny( ) does the same computational steps as select10( ) but the function arguments of selectAny( ) provide an interface to designate the size of the list and the minimum and maximum values found in the list. Both of these functions use a for( ) loop to repeat an operation and you can control the number or repeated operations with a function argument, as shown in selectAny( ).

This is a good time to explain the arguments of a for( ) loop. The first argument i is a variable that can be used inside the loop. It is assigned the value of the loop sequence [in this case 1:size] and its value is advanced on each pass through the loop. There is no requirement to use the loop variable. The example above does not use it. The second argument of the loop is the sequence of values generated in the loop. The loop will repeat once for each item in the sequence. A sequence of 1:10 will repeat 10 times [once for each value]. You can use any start and end value for a loop sequence. The sequence 5:1 will repeat 5 times [once for each value] and produce the sequence 5 4 3 2 1.

Create and run the function selectAny( ). Test it using various values for the input arguments size, mini and maxi.

Functions as simulations

Functions can also be used to simulate tasks. Here is an example:

# simulate rolling a pair of 6-sided dice x times
dice6Data <- function(x) {
d1 <- c() # a numeric vector for the first die
d2 <- c() # a numeric vector for the second die
ds <- c() # a numeric vector for the sum of both dice
for(i in 1:x) { # roll the dice x times
d1 <- rbind(d1, sample(1:6, size = 1)) # add a random value to the vector
d2 <- rbind(d2, sample(1:6, size = 1)) # add a random value to the vector
} # end loop
ds <- d1 + d2 # add the two dice
v <- cbind(d1, d2, ds) # combine the three vectors into a matrix with three columns
v <- # convert v into a data frame
names(v) <- c("die1", "die2", "sum") #assign column titles
v # output the results

dice6Data( ) simulates the roll of a pair of 6-sided dice. It outputs a data frame that contains the value of each die and the sum of the two dice. The input argument identifies how many times you want to roll the dice. If you use 10 as your input argument, dice6Data( ) will return a data frame with 10 rows, one row in the data frame for each dice roll. dice6Data( ) can help you simulate the outcomes of a large number of dice rolls.

Because functions help you automate tasks, you can develop functions to compute anything that is not already included in an R package. An example of this would be the mode statistical metric. In descriptive statistics, the mode is the most frequent value in a set of values. This statistic is normally used to describe discrete [integer] sets of values. R does not have a standard function to calculate mode. The mode( ) function built into R returns the data type of a data object, not its statistical mode. You can remedy this by writing your own function. Here is an example:

# statistical mode function - R mode() does something else
statMode <- function(v) { # input is a vector
result <- as.numeric(names( which(table(v) == max(table(v))))) # find the most frequent element in the vector
return(result) # output the result

When given a data object containing a vector of integers, statMode( ) will return the most frequent value or values [if there is a tie]. Notice that statMode( ) uses the command to return the result of the function's computation. This command return( ) is another way to output the results of your function.

So, to summarize this discussion, user defined functions in R allow you to repeat operations with each call to your function, help you simulate a process for analysis, and to automate a functionality not normally included in R or any of its packages.

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