Chicago Convention A Great Event ================================ by Miriam Lasker The annual meeting of the Illinois chapter of the Multiple Birth Association was another eagerly anticipated and much-enjoyed event. Almost 500 parents of twins, triplets, quadruplets and even-more-plets gathered together at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Chicago for three days of information, support and fun. Dr. Brenda Patterson, president of the Illinois chapter (and a mother of triplets to boot) opened the proceedings on Friday afternoon with a welcoming speech and new information on the psychology of multiple births babies. The speech was fascinating and Twin Life hopes to have a copy of her talk in an upcoming issue. During the next few days, there were several booths and workshops that covered such topics as multiple birth complications, fertility drugs, school issues and adolescent problems. The vendors were, as always, a welcome addition to the convention. Many attendees left with great bargains on strollers, clothing and toys, designed with the multiple birth child in mind. A moonlight cruise on Lake Michigan, along the Chicago shoreline was provided on Saturday night. While I'm not a big fan of big cities, I greatly enjoyed the view of Chicago at night. Not at all the impression one gets from reading Carl Sandburg! The convention broke up on Sunday morning. We all left happy, refreshed and exhilirated, having spent time with old friends and made new ones. See you at the next convention in Joliet!