Reader Survey ============= Twin Life is interested in learning about YOU. Please fill out our readership survey, so that we can provide you with articles that meet your needs and interests. 1) I have (check one): __ Twins ___ Triplets ___ Quadrupletes or higher 2) They are (check one): __ Fraternal ___ Identical 3) Ages (check one): ____ 0 - 1 ____ 1 - 2 ____ 2 - 3 ____ 3 - 4 ____ 4 - 5 ____ 5 - 6 ____ 6 - 10 ____ 10 - 15 ____ 15 - 4) Total number of children in my family ____ 5) I learned about Twin Life from (check one): ____ a friend _____ a magazine _____ doctor ____ the Internet _____ news report 6) (Check one) ____ I work full-time outside the home ____ I work part-time outside the home ____ I work at home full-time ____ I work at home part-time ____ I am a full-time mother/father 7) I am interested in articles on (check all that apply): ____ nutrition and health ____ twin psychology ____ child disclipline ____ twin and multiple birth pregancies ____ day care and school ____ adolescent problems ____ the marital relationship of parents of twins 8) I would like to receive a subscription to the Twin Life magazine ____ Yes ____ No