Twin Tips ========= by Lucas Lawson, PhD Dear TT: Dressing twins alike is considered "cute", however I don't want my children to be considered objects and I dislike the confusion that comes from dressing them alike. On the other hand, it's extra work to shop for two different styles of clothes all of the time. What do you suggest? - D.P. Otomawa, IA The desire to dress identical twins alike is almost irresistible, and you're right, it does save time shopping as well. It's hard to find clothing in the style, size and price that you want, and why double your trouble? Consider purchasing clothing that is similar in style, but not identical. Most clothing patterns will come in different varieties (blue stripes versus red stripes, etc.). Purchase these combinations. Your twins will be dressed similarly, but not exactly alike. You should also remember to go to resales offered by your local twins or multiple births organizations. You will probably be able to make substantial savings compared to buying the clothes new. ------------- Dear TT: My twins are entering first grade. Should I have them separated into different classes? - M.A. Cleveland, OH Different schools will have different policies regarding keeping twins together in class. You should first check with your school to see if they have established such a policy. If not, the answer to your question depends on your children. In some cases, a child will flourish without having his or her twin nearby. In other cases, this absence of support and familiarity that a twin brings, can be very hard. You should talk to your children and find out how they feel about the issue. The bottom line is that a happy and comfortable environment is the best enviroment for your twins to learn in. ------------- Dear TT: I'm opposed to using disposable diapers, but cleaning the diapers of my triplets is a full day job. Help! - S.J. Crawford, PA Consider using a diaper service. Your local twins or multiple births club can direct you to a service in your area. The service will collect the soiled diapers, clean them and return them to you a week later. Diaper services are often cheaper than disposable diapers. ------------- Dear TT: When and how should I introduce solids to my twins? - M.K Omaha, NE Mothers are advised to give their infants milk until they are about three months old, with most infants moving onto solids between three and four months. Twins however, since they are usually smaller than singleton babies, may need to continue with milk longer than this. Remember though, that every child and family is different, so you should start solids at a date that you're comfortable with. Start with vegetables or fruits that have been cook and either liquidized or strained. Cereal is also a popular food for your babies. You can moisten the cereal to a thin cream with the addition of a little formula. ---------------- Dear TT: I'm looking to purchase a stroller. Do you have any suggestions about the type of stroller I should buy? - W.W. Savannah, GA You're in luck. This month's issue of Twin Life, contains an informative article on different types of twin strollers. Check it out.