Webster University - Syllabus







BUSN 5000



Course Description


This course is designed to provide a foundation in such general business concepts as economics, finance, accounting, business law, marketing, and other business systems.


Course Objectives


· To help the student become familiar with both the structure of business and to be proficient in analyzing specific business information and management systems and subsystems.

· To enable students to place business concepts in a “real life” context so that they can be implemented in the workplace.

· To enable students to be able to understand how information, resource, management, and accounting systems interface and interact.




Acceptance into the Webster University Graduate program





Doug Westerfield



Course Materials


Contemporary Business by. Boone and Kurtz 11th edition


Additional Readings - Wall Street Journal, Business Week, News Week

Course Grading


Note: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the week due. Late or incomplete assignments will be given no credit or will receive discounted grades. Extreme emergencies may be considered. Any problem or article submitted for credit must relate to the class material and must be so documented.


News / Article Reviews - for each unit you are responsible for identifying some recent, relevant current issue from an appropriate news source or journal article (dated in 2004-2005) that enhances any topic that was presented in the chapter material for that week. You are to provide a 1-page written (typed, single-spaced, 1-inch margins all around) report. Your report should include three components: proper identification of the source, an executive summary of the information, and YOUR opinion/analysis regarding its relevance or significance. We will include these news items in our class discussions. Include on your paper your name, the class week number and a complete citation of the article source.

Grading for assignments will be based on a scale that ranges from10 = Superior, to O = Unacceptable.


A: 90 -100%; B: 80 - 89%; C: 70 -79%; NC: 69% or less

Two Exams @ 30% each; Article Presentation @ 10%; Class Participation @ 10%; Assignments @ 10%; Discussion forum @ 10% No Make-up exams will be scheduled.


Policy Statements


Students who are discovered cheating or committing plagiarism will receive a failing grade for the course, and may be subject to dismissal or further discipline. See the Webster University Graduate Catalog for a complete description.

  This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor - items may be added, deleted, or changed without prior notice.

The use of any type electronic communication or recording device in the classroom is strictly prohibited. Use of such device in the classroom will be grounds for your removal from class.

 Material handed out in the classroom by the Professor supersedes any material or information posted on any of web pages associated with this course.

 Students are expected to attend all classes.  Students missing a class will not receive credit for class presentations or class activities.  Assignments and other material due during that class period may be given partial or full credit at the discretion of the instructor.   See Webster University’s Graduate catalog on class attendance. 


Weekly Schedule


Pre-Assignment for Week 1

· Read Chapters 1-3



Week 1



Chapter 1 – Business: 2005 and Beyond

Chapter 2 – Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Chapter 3 Economic Challenges Facing Global and Domestic Business

Discussion of Business Articles and Videos


Assignment for Week 2:

· Read Chapters 4-6 and prepare Articles “see section on News / Article Reviews”



Week 2




Chapter 4 -  Competing in Global Markets

Chapter 5 -  Options for Organizing Small and Large Businesses

Chapter 6 - Starting Your Own Business: The Entrepreneurship Alternative

Discussion of Business Articles and Videos


Assignment for Week 3:

· Read Chapters 8 & 9 and prepare Articles



Week 3



Chapter 8 -  Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization

Chapter 9 -  Human Resource Management and Motivation


Discussion of Business Articles and Videos




Week 4



FIRST EXAM - 30% of Grade


Assignment for Week 5:

· Read Chapters 10-12 and prepare Articles



Week 5



Chapter 10 – Improving Performance Through Empowerment, Teamwork, and Communication

Chapter 11 – Production and Operations Management

Chapter  12 – Customer Driven Marketing


 Discussion of Business Articles and Videos


Assignment for Week 6:

· Read Chapters 13 & 14 and prepare Articles



Week 6



Chapter 13 -  Product and Distribution Strategies

Chapter 14 -  Promotion and Pricing Strategies


Discussion of Business Articles and Videos


Assignment for Week 7:

· Read Chapters 16 - 18 and prepare Articles



Week 7



Chapter 16 - Understanding Accounting and Financial Statements

Chapter 17 – Financial Management and Institutions

Chapter 18 – Financing and Investing Through Securities Markets


Discussion of Business Articles and Videos


Assignment for Week 8:

· Read Chapters 7 & 15 and prepare Articles



Week 8



Chapter 7 – E-Commerce: The Internet and Online Business

Chapter 15 – Using Technology to Manage Information

Discussion of Business Articles and Videos



Week 9


Final Exam - 30% of Grade