Adding additional content to charts

This article will demonstrate how to add additional content to a chart to enhance it and make it easier to understand.

Here is an R script with the code for all of the examples in this article:  

Adding additional content to charts.R  

Here is the dataset used in the examples in this article:  


Here are links to each of the topics in this presentation:  




grid lines 

graphic elements 

error bars 

math annotations 

modifying axes 

Adding lines to charts

We can easily add emphasis to a chart by adding lines that indicate particular values. Here is an example where lines are used to indicate the variable means in a bivariate normal sample.

# load a bivariate normal dataset centered at (3,2) 

# plot the sample 
plot(bivn, xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y', main = 'bivariate normal sample') 
abline(v = mean(bivn[,1]), lty=2, col='red') # plot a line for the x mean 
abline(h = mean(bivn[,2]), lty=2, col='red') # Plot a line for the y mean  

The scatter plot now shows a red dashed line indicating the means for the x and y variables. The abline( ) function will draw a line on the current chart. In this example, the first call to abline( ) draws a vertical red dashed line at the mean of the x variable of the sample. the second call to abline( ) draws a horizontal red dashed line at the mean of the y variable of the sample. The intersection of the two lines is clearly the center of mass for the bivariate sample.

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Adding text to charts

We can add text to the chart shown above that will label the lines and the center of mass.

# add text to the chart ####################################### 
text(3.2,-0.9, 'mean x', col = 'red') # label for mean(x) # label for mean(x) 
text(0.4, 2.5, 'mean y', col = 'red') # label for mean(y) # label for mean(y) 
text(2.9,2.3, 'center of mass', col = 'blue') # label for center of mass  

The scatter plot now shows a red dashed line indicating the means for the x and y variables. Both of these lines are labeled with red text indicating that they represent the mean for that variable. These labels are created using the text( ) function which will draw text onto the current chart. The first two arguments of this function indicate the coordinates of the center of the text string. These coordinates are expressed in the units of the x and y axes. The third argument is the designated text string. The fourth argument is the color of the text label. The intersection of the two lines is clearly the center of mass for the bivariate sample and it is labeled in blue text stating that it is the center of mass.

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Adding arrows to charts

We can enhance the labels in the chart above by using arrows that will indicate what specific graphic object the labels describe.

# adding arrows to the chart ################################## 
arrows(2.7, -1.6, 2.95, -1.6, length = 0.1, angle = 15, col = 'red') # arrow for mean(x)  
arrows(1, 2.5, 1, 2.0, length = 0.1, angle = 15, col = 'red') # arrow for mean(y) 

# relocate the center of mass label  
text(4,-0.5, 'center of mass', col = 'red') # label for center of mass 
arrows(4, -0.2, mean(bivn[,1]), mean(bivn[,2]), length = 0.1, angle = 15, col = 'red') # arrow for center of mass  

The arrows clearly indicate what graphic elements the labels refer to. Additionally, because we are using an arrow to indicate the actual center of mass, the label "center of mass" is relocated where it is easier to read. The arguments for the function arrows( ) indicate the coordinates of the start point of the arrow [first two arguments expressed in the units of the x and y axes], the end point of the arrow [third and fourth arguments expressed in the units of the x and y axes], the length of the edges of the arrow head [expressed in inches], the inside angle of the arrow head, and the color of the arrow. This chart is easier to understand when compared to the first chart at the top of this article.

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Adding grid lines to charts

We can easily add grid lines to the chart above as a final enhancement.

grid() # add grid lines to the existing chart 

The grid( ) function draws a light grey grid aligned with the chart tic marks onto the current chart. This example uses the default arguments. Other argument values can indicate a different grid alignment and grid line type, color, and thickness

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Adding graphic elements to charts

Graphic elements can also be added to a chart for a touch of emphasis or focus. Some graphic elements are included in the base graphics package. Here is an example using several of these elements.

# Adding graphic elements to charts ################ 

# create an empty plot # define the plot  
plot.window(c(0,100),c(0,100),asp = 1) # define dimensions 
box() # surround the plot with a frame 

# define coordinate objects 
x0 <- c(5,10,15)  
y0 <- x0 
x1 <- x0 + 5 
y1 <- y0 + 60 

# draw line segments 
segments(x0=x0, x1=x1, y0=y0, y1=y1, lty = 1:3) 

# draw a rectangle 
rect(80,25,95,80,border = 'black', lwd = 3) 

# draw a filled ploygon 
polygon(50+25*cos(2*pi*0:8/8), 50+25*sin(2*pi*0:8/8),col = gray(0.8), border = NA) 

The first three lines of code declare a plot area, define its size, and surround it with a border. Next, four coordinate objects are defined. These objects are used to draw three line segments using three different line styles [solid (1), dashed (2), and dotted(3)]. A black rectangle with a thick border (lwd = 3) is drawn next. Finally, a gray polygon is drawn. This call to the polygon( ) function uses trigonometric functions to define the polygon vertices in this example.

The next example will demonstrate some graphics elements using the plotrix package. 

# Adding graphic elements from the plotrix package ############### 

# create an empty plot # define the plot 
plot.window(c(0,100),c(0,100),asp = 1) # define dimensions  
box() # surround the plot with a frame  

# draw concentric arcs 
draw.arc(20, 20, (1:4)*5, deg2 = 1:20*15)  

# draw concentric circles, 80, (1:4)*5)  

# draw a tilted ellipse  
draw.ellipse(80, 20, a = 20, b = 10, angle = 30, col = gray(0.5)) 

# draw target cross hairs  
draw.radial.line(start = 2, end = 15, center = c(80,80), angle = 0) 
draw.radial.line(start = 2, end = 15, center = c(80,80), angle = pi/2)  
draw.radial.line(start = 2, end = 15, center = c(80,80), angle = pi) 
draw.radial.line(start = 2, end = 15, center = c(80,80), angle = 3*pi/2)  

This example begins by creating an empty plot area with a black frame. Four concentric arcs of increasing radius are drawn centered at (20,20) drawing the arcs counter-clockwise from 1 to 300 (20*15) degrees. the process is repeated drawing four concentric circles of increasing radius centered at (20,80). A tilted ellipse is drawn centered at (80,20). The ellipse is tilted 30 degrees and filled with transparent gray (50% opaqueness). Finally, four radial lines are drawn centered at (80,80) forming a focus cross hair.

We will complete this section using a graphic element to enhance the bivariate normal plot we produced above. The code below will redraw the original plot using coordinates for the text and arrow elements using relative coordinate values. After finishing the chart a transparent (25% opaqueness) red circle indicating the center of mass of the sample is added.

# a practical example using the bivariate normal sample exercise ##############  

# replot the sample - refresh the chart 
plot(bivn, xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y', main = 'bivariate normal sample')  
abline(v = mean(bivn[,1]), lty=2, col='red') # plot a line for the x mean  
abline(h = mean(bivn[,2]), lty=2, col='red') # Plot a line for the y mean  
# add the text labels 
text((mean(bivn[,1])-0.5),(mean(bivn[,2])-2.6), 'mean x', col = 'red') # label for mean(x) # label for mean(x) 
text((mean(bivn[,1])-2.2),(mean(bivn[,2])+0.3), 'mean y', col = 'red') # label for mean(y) # label for mean(y) 

# add arrows for the labels  
arrows((mean(bivn[,1])-0.5),(mean(bivn[,2])-2.8), (mean(bivn[,1])-0.05),(mean(bivn[,2])-2.8), length = 0.1, angle = 15, col = 'red') # arrow for mean(x)  
arrows((mean(bivn[,1])-1.9),(mean(bivn[,2])+0.3), (mean(bivn[,1])-1.9),(mean(bivn[,2])+0.05), length = 0.1, angle = 15, col = 'red') # arrow for mean(y) 

# the center of mass label  
text((mean(bivn[,1])+1.0),(mean(bivn[,2])-2.3), 'center of mass', col = 'red') # label for center of mass 
arrows((mean(bivn[,1])+1.0),(mean(bivn[,2])-2.2), mean(bivn[,1]), mean(bivn[,2]), length = 0.1, angle = 15, col = 'red') # arrow for center of mass  

# adding grid lines to the chart ################################ 
grid() # add grid lines to the existing chart  

# define a transparent red (25%density) 
myred <- rgb(255, 0, 0, max = 255, alpha = 64, names = "red25") 
# draw a transparent circle at the center of mass[,1]), mean(bivn[,2]), 0.25, col = myred, border = myred)  

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Adding error bars to charts

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x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) # code example 

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Adding math annotations to charts

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x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) # code example 

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Modifying the axes in charts

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x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) # code example 

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