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COSC 3100 - Data Structures
Syllabus The basic outline for the class. Test schedule. Etc.
Coding Style Guide Basic points of coding style that all programs should obey. Failure to adhere can result in loss of points.
Integer Reader 3 sample functions that show a few simple ways to read in an integer as a string so that accidentally typing in a letter will not crash your input.
Asignment 1 Description of programming assignment 1 for class.
ArrayList The code for the book's ArrayList data type
Ordered ArrayList The code for the book's Ordered ArrayList data type
HashTable The skeleton for the book's Hashtable data type. You fill in the blanks as part of assignment 2
Asignment 2 Description of programming assignment 2 for class. A sample data set can be found here
LinkedList The code for the book's LinkedList data type. An alternate linked list (with iterators) can be found here as an example of other ways to code a more complete linked list (this is optional info).
Asignment 3 Description of programming assignment 3 for class.
VS 6 String A fix for the double-ENTER problem with Visual Studio 6.0 (not .NET) C++ string library implementation.
Sample Mid-Term Exam The sample mid-term exam for comp sci 3100. This is not guaranteed to be a comprehensive list of the types of questions on the actual test.
Binary Search Tree The code for the book's Binary Search Tree data type. An alternate linked list (with iterators) can be found here as an example of other ways to code a more complete BinarySearchTree (this is optional info).
Asignment 4 Description of programming assignment 4 for class.
AVL Tree This is the partial code for an AVL tree. You will complete the code for this tree as part of assignment 5.
Asignment 5 Description of programming assignment 5 for class.
Sample Final Exam The sample final exam for comp sci 3100. This is not guaranteed to be a comprehensive list of the types of questions on the actual test.

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