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COSC 2250 - Algorithms
Syllabus The basic outline for the class. Test schedule. Etc.
Coding Style Guide Basic points of coding style that all programs should obey. Failure to adhere can result in loss of points.
Integer Reader 3 sample functions that show a few simple ways to read in an integer as a string so that accidentally typing in a letter will not crash your input.
Common Errors From the Past There were many issues former students starting my classes ran into, please make sure you do not succumb to these pitfalls.
Asignment 1 Description of programming assignment 1 for class. A review of Programming II knowledge.
Asignment 2 Due in 2 WEEKS. Description of programming assignment 2 for class. A review of pointers, files, and more classes. A sample data set for the program can be found here.
REVISED Asignment 3 New and improved... Due in 2 WEEKS. Description of programming assignment 3 for class. Using an array based list.
Sample Midterm Questions This is no substitute for studying, and is not in very good order since had to combine many past mid-terms due to the fact this course is different this semester.
Asignment 4 Due in 2 WEEKS. Take assignment 3 result and use a pointer based linked-list instead
Asignment 5 Due in 2 WEEKS. Using recursion.
Sample Final Questions This is no substitute for studying, and is not in very good order since had to combine many past mid-terms due to the fact this course is different this semester.

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