Charting and plotting function arguments

The previous article, A survey of base plotting functions, introduced several useful base R plotting functions. This article will discuss how their charts can be enhanced or  customized by modifying the default function arguments.

This discussion will start with an example using the iris data and the plot( ) function [function documentation]. Here is a chart of the iris data from the previous article:

plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width, main = 'Petal length vs petal width for Iris data') # code example 

This chart already uses one argument [main = 'Petal length vs petal width for Iris data' ] to specify a main chart title. The x and y axes are labeled with the function defaults [the specified attribute names]. Those labels can be cleaned up using the arguments for the axis labels. This example specifies the axis labels using the arguments xlab = 'Petal length' and , ylab = 'Petal width':

plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width, xlab = 'Petal length', ylab = 'Petal width',
            main = 'Petal length vs petal width for Iris data') # code example 

Our chart is shaping up. The dots in the chart represent the paired values for the petal length and petal width for the individual flowers. Notice the cluster of dots in the lower left corner. Each flower belongs to a species of iris. If the dots were colored differently for each species, a pattern might emerge that could explain that cluster. This example will specify a type of dot that can be colored [using the argument pch = 21] and then specify which color based on the species value [using the argument bg = as.numeric(iris$Species)]

plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width, xlab = 'Petal length', ylab = 'Petal width',
            pch = 21, bg = as.numeric(iris$Species),
            main = 'Petal length vs petal width for Iris data') # code example 

Adding color to the dots definitely helped show a distinct pattern in the distribution of iris species based on the paired data values. These two arguments are not as clear as the other arguments presented above. The chart points are specified using the pch = argument. The various types of chart points are shown in this table   

The default point type is 1, an empty circle. Points 15 through 20 are solid black shapes. Points 21 through 25 are shapes that can be filled with a specified background color, as show in the example chart above. The various shaped points are helpful when we want to indicate differences in the data, like the species of iris, but cannot use color, as when printing in black and white. Here is the chart using shapes rather than colors   

plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width, xlab = 'Petal length', ylab = 'Petal width',
            pch = as.numeric(iris$Species),
            main = 'Petal length vs petal width for Iris data') # code example 

The function as.numeric( ) is used in the plot( ) commands above to both designate the color of the points or designate what kind of point. This function converts categorical data, such as Species, into a sequence of numeric values, 1, 2, and 3 in this example. Each unique categorical value is converted to an integer, starting at 1, until all unique values in the data are exhausted. The colored scatter plot uses the argument  to designate the background color of the points. The colors are specified using the output of the as.numeric( ) function. This designates both the color for each Species and associates that color to the paired data points. The colors can be explicitly specified with a more complex form of the argument bg = c('yellow', 'red', 'blue')[unclass(iris$sSpecies)]. In this form, a list of numeric values specifies the colors which are then associated with each label in Species and then they are matched to the Species labels using [unclass(iris$sSpecies)].

plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width, xlab = 'Petal length', ylab = 'Petal width',
            pch = 21, bg = c('yellow', 'red', 'blue')[unclass(iris$sSpecies)],
            main = 'Petal length vs petal width for Iris data') # code example 

Sometimes, points are not the best way to chart our data. Here is an example of a plot of the sine function  

x <- seq(0, 3 * pi, 0.1)
y <- sin(x)
plot(x, y, main = 'Plot of the sine function from 0 to 3*Pi') # code example 

Normally, function output is not depicted as points. The typical way that function output is show is as a line chart

plot(x, y, type = 'l', main = 'Plot of the sine function from 0 to 3*Pi') # code example 

That chart connects the points with lines. Because the points are 0.1 units apart, the lines appear to be a smooth line. The curve( ) function is used to plot smooth curve charts. This function uses the output of a function as its data input.

curve(sin(x), main = 'Smooth plot of sin(x)') # code example 

The line in the original plot can be modified. This example uses a thick red dashed line for the sine function plot

plot(x, y, type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 2, lty = 2,
            main = 'Plot of the sine function from 0 to 3*Pi') # code example 

The col = 'red' argument specifies the color of the lines. The lwd = 2 argument specified the line thickness [line weight]. The default thickness is 1. A thickness of 2 is twice as thick as the default. A thickness of 0.5 is half as thick as the default. The lty = 2 argument specifies the line type. Here is a table of the various line types with their numeric codes.


This discussion in this article presented a quick overview of charting and plotting function arguments. Most of the arguments discussed in this article can be used for most R plotting functions. It is always a good idea to consult the function documentation to verify which arguments a specific function can accept and what they do to the function. The next article will address Adding additional content to charts. Examples of additional content are: reference lines, text labels, additional lines on the same chart, and chart legends.


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